January 24, 2010

I am back!!!

Hey everyone.....sorry it has been so long since I have been on here. We have had so much going on. Let me see if I can think of some of the highlights.

September: Of course the kids started school

October: My mom and sisters flew down and spent a week with us. We left the kids with Chris' mom and all the adults drove up to Rexburg, Idaho. We spent the weekend singing and meeting up with old friends at the Ricks College Choir Reunion. I was able to talk with my old choir director Bro. Clyde Luke and to sing with the most awesome combined choir of alumni. Then on Oct. 12th I started back to school. Yes, I took the plunge and enrolled in college after 15 years. I am attending Stevens-Henager College. I am getting my bachelor's degree in Healthcare Administration. The round off the month we had halloween. Emily was a 20's flapper girl, Amanda was a witch, Tori was a 50's girls with a poodle skirt and Trevor was a fireman.

November: We had a great Thanksgiving. A few family members came over and we just enjoyed a relaxing day. We started by watching Chris play flag football in the annual ward Turkey Bowl, then relaxed while dinner cooked. I like small affairs. The next day we took the kids to the West Valley City Christmas parade. It was small but lots of fun.

December: This month just seemed to fly by. Tori gave us a bit of a scare on the 12th. She went to the stake center for a choir rehearsal for the stake christmas program and ended up fainting. We came home from work to watch her an she ended up fainting a total of 7 times. We took her up to Primary Children's Hospital and they kept her overnight for observation. Everything was fine the next day so they sent us home with no new explanations.

Let me do a side note on Tori. About 4 1/2 years ago we were up at my mom's house for vacation and Tori had her first fainting episode. We took her into the ER and they diagnosed her with vasovegal syncope. Basically it a nerve that can be very sensitive and there are multiple things that could trigger it. In her case when she throws up her body kind of shuts down and she faints. We were told that she would grow out of it. About a year and half ago we went and saw a neurologist and they did the EEG tests and everything was normal.

So she had not had any symptoms in about a year and this episode happened. Right after christmas we went to see a cardiologist to make sure everything was ok with her heart. They did the ECG and an echocardiogram on her heart. Everything there was normal. She also had to wear a holter monitor for 24 hours so they could monitor her heart while sleeping and doing daily activities at home. Everything from that test was normal. So it looks like vasovegal syncope is her diagnosis. We just have to watch her as we always have when she gets sick.

Christmas was fun and we enjoyed making our annual deliveries of christmas cookies. The kids loved all of their presents and just enjoyed another relaxing day at home. The kids enjoyed their time off from school and so did I! Then came new years eve. Each girl invited a friend over for a sleep over. We had a fun activity to do each hour to keep them from getting bored. They had a blast. I will have to post pictures later when I get them downloaded.

January: We all started back to school. Basketball season has started so Chris is busy everynight working the games for Murray City. We went to a Grizzlies hockey game on Friday. It was so much fun. We won an auction at work and spent the evening in a mini suite. We had Dale and Dustin's family with us. The game was good and the kids really enjoyed it. This was their first hockey game.

Tori will turns 8 this coming friday the 29th. We will post more about that after her slumber party, if I survive!!!!

Well there is our update. I will try to be better.

September 07, 2009

Trevor's 4th Birthday

Trevor turned 4 on Sept. 5th. He went to Toys R Us to get his birthday balloon and crown. He thought it was really cool.

Trevor decided he was going to have an "Army Man" Party. I just made a white cake and colored some of the batter green and khaki then swirled it. It turned out way cool.

If you look closely you can see the army guys on the cake. I think I matched the colors quite well.

Even his birthday presents were wrapped in camo.

Trevor is making a wish and blowing out his candles. He got lots of cool presents. He got a bucket of army men from the "Toy Story" movie, playdough, pajamas and cars. Also BYU won their game against Oklahoma, it made for a great birthday!!

August 25, 2009

First Day of School Aug. 24, 2009

Emily starting the 5th grade.
Her teacher is Mrs. Holtey.

Amanda starting the 4th grade.
Her teacher is Mr. Page.

Victoria starting the 2nd grade.
Her teacher is Mrs. Nafus.

Trevor is going to enjoy this year by playing and running dad, mom, grandma, grandpa and aunt Tammy rugged! He had to have a backpack and lunch box just like the girls.

August 15, 2009

Trevor's Soccer

3 and 4 year old soccer otherwise known as "bunch ball"

Running back o give the coach a high five.

Trevor's team was called "The Green Giants"

Trevor and the other kids checking out their cool trophies.

This was Trevor's first year playing soccer. He did pretty good for a 3 year old. He had lots of friends and as you can tell he loves his trophy!

August 14, 2009

Multnomah Falls

On our way home we stopped at the falls. The kids had fun looking through the gift shop and watching the water fall. The bottom picture was taken by Trevor. He did a pretty good job for a 3 year old!

Spending Time With Cousins

Grandma and Grandpa's twelve monkeys!

Victoria and Jamie (aka the Bobbsie Twins)

The Atkinsons
Jenni, Justin, Jason and Jamie

The Rodebacks
Amanda, Emily, Victoria and Trevor

The Hanks, Smiths and Goodwins
Jeremy, Brandon, Ashley and Spencer

All the girls: Ashley, Jenni, Emily, Amanda, Jamie and Victoria

All the boys: Jeremy, Spencer, Brandon, Jason, Trevor and Justin

Trevor, Justin and Jason

My kids with Great Grandma Fitzgerald

Girls week long slumber party in the living room.

August 13, 2009

August Vacation

We spent a week up in Shelton, WA with my family. It was a long drive but we made
it! The weather was nice and cool, the kids rode bikes and spent some fun time with
their cousins. I am going to try and post some pictures to go along with this post.
Hopefully, I can figure out how to do that. In the above picture we have Stephanie,
Angela, Dad, Mom, Diana, LeAnne and Brandon. All the family...how sweet!